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Off-Campus Access for Library Resources


Please read if this is not the page you expected

Due to an upgrade in the library's authentication software, you may have been redirected to this page from a bookmark or saved URL of a library resource. You can update your bookmark or link by replacing the beginning portion of the previously saved URL with

We apologize for any inconvenience. Please email if you need any assistance.

Need to access library resources from off-campus?

Always start your research from the our Primo Library Catalog or A-Z Databases list to ensure you are authenticated for access to subscribed databases and other library materials.

Simply googling the resource may bypass the required library authentication. From off campus, you may be prompted to login with your MyCanisius credentials if you have not previously logged into MyCanisius.

Screenshot of login box for MyCanisius

Troubleshooting Off-Campus Connection Problems

If you are having difficulty accessing library resources from off-campus, the following tips may help resolve the issue:

1. Enable cookies

For many library resources, cookies must be enabled or the resource will not work properly.

2. Possible Browser Issues

Browsers typically save what are collectively known as "cookies" (also known as browser history or browser cache) to your computer. These cookies could be images, PDF documents, authentication tokens, and more, all in an effort to save you some time when you go back to a website. In rare instances, these cookies can interfere with the webpage and prevent it from loading, particularly if the cookies are old, and clearing out cookies can help. Click the links below to find out how to clear the cache for your particular browser.

Clear Google Chrome

Clear Microsoft Edge

Clear Mozilla Firefox

Clear Apple Safari

3. Firewalls (Enable ports 80, 8991 and 4433)

If you are attempting to access library resources from a home or company computer with firewall or Internet security software installed, it may be interfering with your ability to connect to our resources. Please temporarily disable your firewall and test whether you can obtain access to these resources. At a minimum, please enable ports 80, 8991 and 4433 in your firewall so information can be exchanged with the library's authentication software.