Political Science is a multidisciplinary subject and articles may be found in almost any database, here are a few of the most popular databases for you to try:
To search for books and e-books in the Canisius Library:
Type in the keyword you are searching for and use the limit "books and e-books" located in the left-hand column.
Ex. international relations
You also have access to the book collections from other private colleges from New York State. Click here to search these collections. Any book you request will be shipped to Canisius for your use. Books usually take 5 business days to reach the college.
You may also request books not owned by Canisius or ConnectNY through Interlibrary loan.
The library owns many of the Brookings Institution publications. The Brookings Institution is a nonprofit public policy organization whose mission is to conduct in-depth research that leads to new ideas for solving problems facing society at the local, national and global level. To find these publications search the library catalog for the author "Brookings Institution."
Try the library catalog for physical copies of videos or for streaming videos, try one of our many streaming video collections: