Welcome to the Library. Here you will find resources related to education. Please be sure to check the different tabs for the various types of resources. This guide is here to help you with your research. If you are working on a general topic, you may want to check out the Articles tab for help on finding articles, books, websites tabs, standardized tests, children's materials & teaching resources. If you are working on something more focused and need information for a particular field, check out the tab which links to other education guides and if you need help with a specific assignment, check out the education assignment tab.
Need articles for an assignment? Try one of the following databases:
Search for books, scholarly articles, ebooks, DVDs, book reviews, newspaper articles, and every other item we have in the library (in print and online).
To search for books and e-books in the Canisius Library:
Type in the keyword you are searching for and use the limit "books and e-books" located in the left-hand column.
Ex. Classroom management
You also have access to the book collections from other private colleges from New York State. Click here to search these collections. Any book you request will be shipped to Canisius for your use. Books usually take 5 business days to reach the college.
You may also request books not owned by Canisius or ConnectNY through Interlibrary loan.
To search for physical copies of videos in the Canisius University library:
Type your keyword into the library catalog:
For example: counseling videos
For streaming videos, try the following collections:
Searching for Standardized Tests in the library catalog:
If you would like more information about the test collection, how to find test reviews & reliabilty, or how to cite a test or test review, please visit our guide on Standardized Tests.
To search for children's items (games, books, lesson plans):
If you would like more information about this collection, please visit our guide on the Curriculum Center.
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1 - Call Us
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If you need to speak to a librarian, you may call 716-888-8411 or stop in at the reference desk.