How do I ask for permission?
If your desired usage does not qualify under any of the Limitations & Exemptions, then you will need to ask for (and receive) permission from the copyright owner in order to use it legally. For more details, click Asking Permission.
When in doubt, get permission or provide links and citations, not copies!
Please refer to the sections on Classroom and Online Education first to determine if you need to ask permission.
When the limitations & exemptions do not apply
If your desired use doesn't seem to be permitted under any of the limitations & exemptions -- or, if you are in doubt -- it is best to seek permission from the copyright holder. This is especially true when you are planning to digitize a work in order to deliver it from a website or learning management system like D2L.
When asking for permission, you will need to write a letter to the copyright holder (often a Permissions Director or Editor). You can probably send your request through e-mail but, if not, a letter via the postal service or fax will work just as well. Be sure to get permission in writing.
In your letter, be specific and spell-out exactly what you are asking for, including details like how many students will be in the class and the dates the material will be available to the students. (If you are delivering the material to your students using D2L, be sure to make the content inaccessible once that portion of the course is over.)
A nice tutorial from Stanford on determining wether you have to get permsion ot use materials and how to get permission
When you need permission to re-use content, turn to the rights licensing experts for simple, easy-to-use solutions.
XanEdu Publishing, Inc. is the number-one faculty-preferred provider of course packs and custom textbooks that support learning.
Columbia University's Copyright Advisory Office provides an excellent description of the procedures for securing permission from a copyright owner to use a copyrighted work. They also provide several sample letters to guide your requests for permission.
Canisius University sample letter requesting permission.