Want to use Google for your research? Try Google Scholar. Instead of websites, this search will bring back journal articles and books.
Using google to get general information on a topic is problematic. *HINT - if you can find a CAS registry number for a compound of interest search on that.
Journals are the main method that researchers, scholars and educators use to commincate new findings and important data. Articles become part of the permant record of science and are used by future reserachers to make new discoveries.
Primary Source-A research report that is published to inform about new findings. This is the orignal material.
Secondary Source - An account written using primary sources. They include reviews and interpretations of the original work.
Tertiary Source - A general statement or summary that may not use primary or secondary sources at all. These include encyclopedias and Wikipedia, blogs, and articles in popular magazines and newspapers. The content of tertiary sources has not been examined by an uninterested expert for accuracy (not peer-reviewed)
First time users go here to register. You may see a security warning but this is a trusted site.
The following databases are mentioned only to make you aware of their existance. We are unable to provide you access.
Beilstein -A comprehensive search of chemical literature.
Other Publisher's Websites - Many publishers of books and journals maintain search engines that can search and access their own publications. Canisius has subscriptions for some, but not all of these sevices: Nature Journals, AAAS, Wiley Interscience, Royal Society Journals, Thieme Journals.
How should I evaluate what is a useful source and what may be worthless?
Proper Use of Sources - Guidelines from the American Chemical Society, designed to help individuals learn how and when to reference sources.